7,000JPY〜(Excluding Tax) Location:
Tokyo Tokyo


・Adult:7,000 JPY
・Child:5,000 JPY
You can pay by cash. Please pay at the studio.


Samurai experience program
・Kitsuke - Learn how to wear a kimono
・Reigi sahou - Learn the basics of samurai etiquette and manners of samurai
・Basic lesson - Learn the basic moves of samurai sword fighting
・Tachimawari - Experience samurai sword fighting first-hand
・Photo shoot
All of the instructors from our samurai experience program are professional samurai performers who perform in various shows and events.
We can arrange and incorporate a samurai performance show performed by our instructors during your samurai experience program, should you be interested. ( additional fees are required)

Facility Info

  • ● Address
    1-34-11-B1, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0022, Japan
  • ● Opening hours

    Monday -Friday (Saturday and Sunday are negotiable)
    70 minutes class


    1) 09:30 A.M.-10:40 A.M. (Reception time 09:10 A.M.-09:30 A.M.)
    2) 11:00 A.M.-12:10 P.M. (Reception time 10:40 A.M.-11:00 A.M.)


    Choose class from above.
    Putting on samurai costume is included in the class time.
    Please come to the studio during the reception time.

※As the information is provided to us by a third-party for foreign martial arts enthusiasts, we are not liable for its contents.

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